Over half a century in law practice
CAA was born in 1990 when there were very few legal firms and the existing new-borns were still grasping for a professional statement.
Since then CAA was, per its’ own option, a small dimensioned, flexible law firm, privileging trustworthy personal relations with the client as well as competence and ethic values.
Its’ main goal was to coordinate know-how and efforts with both national and international partnerships in order to best serve the clients’ interests.
Notwithstanding the firm evolution under a strong will of deepening and updating both knowledge and techniques, trust and proximity to the client were never lost of sight.
We promote flexibility and professional adjustment to modern times’ demands and challenges maintaining nonetheless a strong and firm identity.
Around 30 years have passed – which is a lot in legal firm environment – and we are stronger, open to everyday challenges and also proud of the work developed to our clients.
Fernando Correia Afonso – 1929-2011 – after a long individual career of legal practice, he was the founding father of CAA in 1990 (read the CV).
By his hand, CAA started its growing path looking for quality and excellent legal practice based on justice, competence, commitment and dedication.
He was a role model citizen in every aspect to whom values and ethics prevailed above all and made him until this day an unforgettable reference to every colleague.
His approach to legal practice left in CAA a humane, thoughtful and responsible view, still alive and stating the difference of our law firm.
About us
Correia Afonso Archer & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, RL, (CAA) was born in 1990 by the hands of the founding partners Fernando Correia Afonso, José Archer and Rita Correia Afonso.
CAA develops its’ activity in several legal areas with two strong cores: on one hand as a legal advisory service project mostly turned to corporate, labour and civil law areas and, on the other hand, as a Family Office supporting with legal advice every question related to family patrimony as well as individual questions.
CAA keeps, since it’s founding date, a team-work based structure both with partners and associate lawyers, sectioning the work in accordance to each practice area; Quality, customised services and closeness to the client are the mandatory work lines that drove the structure choice to a small-scaled law firm with permanent partnerships, either national and international.
In each and every trusted matter, CAA assures to clients confidentiality and an absence of conflict of interest as a base of a strong, trustworthy and lasting relationship with the Client.
From 2003 on, CAA has broadened it’s activity to several European countries through the creation of the European Economic Interest Group ViaLegis AEIE together with a law firm established in Madrid. This group provides nowadays legal advisory from it’s offices in Madrid, Warsaw, Berlin, Zurich, Milan and Verona.
Besides Portuguese as a native language, every professional matter can be addressed in English, Spanish or French.
Practice Areas
CAA mainly advises it’s clients in commercial and corporate legal areas (mergers, acquisitions, company restructuring and permanent consultancy), as well as in matters concerning civil law with a strong weight on tax and labour areas, covering at the same time banking and finance, media and telecommunications, copyright, health law, energy and transports, distribution, environmental law, property issues and public contrants.
CAA is the permanent legal advisor for several economic groups and companies of different industry and commerce activity areas, including media and telecommunications, transports, distribution, automotive industry, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry, logistics, building industry and public works, services, tourism and environmental issues among others.
Family Office
CAA also dedicates its’ work to support and keep up on Family legal issues from every possible angle such as financial restructuring, real estate and inheritance, residency ant tax advisory for foreign citizens.
CAA equally assures legal practice in areas such as criminal and regulatory offences and, besides arbitration law, civil, labour, public and tax law.
The CAA Attitude
Each Client is an unique and special individual.
Our professional stance as lawyers is based on defending the causes and interests of those who reach us as well as to counsel towards an aiming purpose always led by the principles of Justice within the Law’s bounds.
Therefore, we aim to and select competence, effectiveness, commitment and availability as the overriding elements of our professional performance.
In order to reach these proposed standards, we undertake as inevitable the assumption of a client-oriented and customised relation of proximity as well as of mutual trust, availability and care from each lawyer.
As a corollary of our professional strictness we assure our clients a rigorous confidentiality and an absence of conflict of interest in each and every trusted matters.
We are legal practitioners for more over than 25 years following and maintaining, since then, the upstanding values of competence, responsibility, proximity, availability and trustfulness, associated to a permanent and qualified training, in order to obtain the best updated possible answers as well as to rise up to the professional challenges of the future.
CAA has, since 2015, a partnership with the Brazilian law firm Choaib, Paiva & Justo (www.choaibpaiva.com.br), expanding its scope of legal advice in Brazil and the United States of America, through the offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Miami.
Rua do Noronha, nº1 – 1º
1269-132 Lisboa
Tel. (+351) 213 960 909
Fax. (+351) 213 977 816