- Law degree conferred by the Faculty of Law of the Nova University of Lisbon
- Master degree in Corporate Law Sciences, conferred by Faculty of Law of the Nova University of Lisbon (Master thesis in Banking Law, awarded the Garrigues Prize)
- Postgraduate in Corporate Finance, Restructuring & Litigation conferred by the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University
- (2014-2016) Rogério Fernandes Ferreira & Associados (Law Office)
- (2012-2014) Deloitte
- (2011-2012) Banco Finantia
- Admitted to Portuguese Bar Association since 2014
- Administrator of Correia Afonso, Archer and Associates, SP, RL
- Tax Law
- Private Clients
- Securities
- Corporate Law
Professional Associations
- Portuguese Fiscal Association (AFP)
- International Fiscal Association (IFA)
- Portuguese Accounting Technicians Association (APOTEC)
- English
- Spanish
- Portuguese